[Flash Book]Children’s Story Vol 02

Tuyển tập các câu Chuyện tiếng anh được diễn họa bằng FLASH rất hay…(Dùng Phần mềm Total Video Player để xem)

  1. A Midsummer Night's Dream
  2. Aesop's Fables and Tongue Twisters
  3. Arthur’s Writes a Story
  4. Arthur's April Fool
  5. Arthur's Babysits
  6. Arthur's Christmas
  7. Arthur's First Sleepover
  8. Arthur's Goes to Gamp
  9. Arthur's Halloween
  10. Arthur's Meets the President
  11. Arthur's Pet Business
  12. Arthur's Teacher Trouble
  13. Arthur's TV Trouble
  14. Benjy Bear
  15. Change Gallbladder
  16. Choco-Louie
  17. Diary of a Fly
  18. Dinosailors
  19. Dreamtime Fairies
  20. Franklin Goes To School
  21. Goodnight Me, Goodnight You
  22. Goo-Dong
  23. Have You Ever Seen a Duck in a Raincoat
  24. Jack's Big Day
  25. Kate at the Zoo
  26. King Arthur and the Enchanted Sword
  27. Mr. Hippo's Magic
  28. Woolly the Super Sheep

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