Bản giao hưởng của sự vui nhộn
Bạn và bé sẽ thích thú với sự thay đổi trong những bản nhạc giao huởng cổ điển của Ludwig van Beethoven. Những hình ảnh minh hoạ thật bắt mắt, vui tươi với những màu sắc rực rỡ sẽ làm cho các bé thích thú .
Captivating sights and glorious sounds to stimulate and delight your baby!
-- Introduces babies to the wonder of Beethoven's works
-- Filled with visual treats and musical masterpieces
on in babies' development, they begin to recognize primary colors such
as blue, red, and yellow. And all the while, they're also processing an
infinite variety of new sights and sounds. Think of the joy you'll
experience as you introduce your little one to beautiful music and
imagery with Baby Beethoven Symphony of Fun. Featuring timeless works by
one of the world's greatest composers, this exciting musical journey
exposes infants to classical music while presenting them wtih vibrant,
baby-friendly images.
Developed with babies in mind, this
stimulating celebration of some of Ludwig van Beethoven's most popular
compositions will provide an enchanting opportunity for you and your
little one to watch, listen and make new discoveries together!