Discover the harsh world of hot and cold deserts and the peoples, plants
and animals that live in them. Here is an original and exciting new
guide to some of the most inhospitable places on Earth. Superb,
full-color photographs of the people who live in the desert, and the
creatures and plants that survive the extremes of temperature, offer a
unique "eyewitness" view of this hostile environment. See the stunning
sand dunes of the Namib Desert, a Bedouin in full wedding dress, the
desert in bloom, a jewel wasp and a camel's regalia. Learn how sand
dunes form, how a few honeypot ants store food for a whole nest in their
own bodies, how a mummy is preserved in sand and how bedouin women
weave a whole tent from goat's hair. Discover why a Tuareg woman never
uncovers her face, what makes a dromedary different from a Bactrian
camel, the mystery of TiMuktu, why jewelry is so valuable to nomads,
which animals never need to drink and why some desert animals have big
ears, and much, much more!